E6: Evicted In Ibiza, Now What!?
Hello, world. This is your captain speaking, Ryan Currier, the sole mechanic. Wonderful to be back for another exciting episode of the Hire Yourself podcast, and in the last episode, I talked about how I was basically being told that I was losing my home in Ibiza when I was on the cruise ship. And this episode is basically titled, Evicted in Ibiza, now what? As a musician, and music producer and a holistic life coach, I would like to give a little bit of context before I continue with this episode.
Ryan:So, I've been living in Ibiza for the last 5 years. I moved there in April 2018. And, it has been a really tough 5 years, but also wonderful because Ibiza is a a paradise. It's the kind of place where it ticks a lot of the boxes, which is why I moved there. And unfortunately, I had to navigate both Brexit and the pandemic while I was there.
Ryan:So if you've ever moved anywhere new, you will know how hard it is to land in a new place, in a new culture, with a new language, and, yeah, It's been quite a journey. So it's worth mentioning that it's been super tough from that perspective of the paperwork and the visas and all that stuff. And then I also was forced to become self employed in Spain, which is not easy. The conditions are very unfriendly, I'm afraid. And I I had to do that because that was the only way that I was going to be able to get Spanish residency, and that's the whole Brexit issue.
Ryan:So that all happened, and I had to navigate all of that, which was highly stressful, very difficult, financially very restricting, and I also lost a parent in 2021. And you can just imagine how devastating that situation was and that reality. And actually, literally the week that happened, I was facing eviction anyway, because we're talking 21, 2020, 2021. Right? That was a time when, as a musician in the entertainment industry, right, and having clients and prospective clients within my services and coaching services also struggling, the money wasn't coming in, at least not fast enough.
Ryan:So I nearly got evicted literally the same week I lost a parent. And so I had to hold and navigate all of that as well. So I know that a lot of people are struggling right now around the world, and I really hope that I can help in some way with this podcast, even if it's just providing some useful insights or some inspirational distraction along the way, you know. I've always been what I call a survivor, and this will become more apparent as I tell you my story, because I know that I really do see it happening, and I really believe it, that I I fall in this really weird category with a lot of people, which is this sort of, halo effect where from the outside, it looks like things are going super well, and there are a lot of assumptions that are made by people because of what they see, and they go, oh, if that's happening, then that's probably because whatever. You've got a wealthy family or you're doing this because that's fine, and and it actually it's a lot of survival mode.
Ryan:It's just that I have chosen to put 2 words together, which literally have been life affirming and have allowed me to build this really hard to attain lifestyle, even though it's not fully in the bag. Right? It's not fully easy yet and those two words are survive forwards. I've always thought to survive forwards, even though things are hard and what I mean by survival here, I'm being very specific. Like, when you're living in a situation where you wake up and you don't know where you're sleeping that night, or you don't know where you're getting your next meal from, and you're just having to figure stuff out and hold all of this uncertainty and anxiety.
Ryan:You're not in your home country, or maybe you are. When I was in Zimbabwe, it was the same, and it's like, that's it, survival mode. Your nervous system is literally in survival mode. You are fearing for your life on a primal level and that is not a healthy space to live from, but a lot of people live in that state and you may still be identifying with that right now. Right?
Ryan:So for me, I was like, surviving literally means you need to survive the day. And I was always like, no. That's not good enough. I need to survive forwards. So you will see, as I continue to tell you my story, that I've been through so much and achieved so much in ways that are just not possible or shouldn't be possible, and that's because despite my reality, despite my situations and what options or lack of options, I still have the audacity to plan for success in a big way.
Ryan:Right? An example is being in Zimbabwe on a Zimbabwean passport with no money, sleeping on the sofa at home in my parents' house at 23 years old. Right? Their marriage is falling apart. The economy is shot.
Ryan:The dollar is crashing so hard, hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, I think is the worst that's ever happened. Country wise, I think we've got the trophy for this. So that's your reality. Right? But I still somehow had it in me that I'm going to get out of here, and I'm going to go and follow my dream.
Ryan:I'm gonna get overseas, and I'm gonna become a musician, and I'm going to do these amazing things to go on when it came to financial security. Right? But I made it happen, and I will tell you that story of how it happened as as we go. But this is what I mean by survive forwards. So very important.
Ryan:In terms of the last 5 years in Ibiza, I've been also in what I call super self development mode. Because I'm always interested in developing myself and improving on myself. That's, you know, quite apparent when you take a closer look and you see the kind of things I I'm capable of doing and the things I've learned and all that stuff. I've been in student mode, which is tied to the self development mode. Right?
Ryan:Always studying where I can, learning what I can. There's so much free information available nowadays with the Internet. I've done amazing courses which have somehow managed to manifest through people I know and through opportunities, through scholarships, And I've been also in healing mode because I've had a lot of healing to do over the last 5 years in Ibiza. And so some of the courses I've done in the last 5 years while I've been on the island, I've done an energy course. It's actually one of the first energy courses I really did full on, which was amazing by a teacher called Jeffrey Allen.
Ryan:He's a spirituality and energy teacher, and I it was it was an amazing course I did with him for 8 weeks. And then I did a 9 month shamanic course as well, and then I've done a 6 month spiritual course on building a stronger connection to myself, the self, and to spirit. And, also, I became certified as an integrative hypnosis life coach or rapid change practitioner or change worker. And so what is that? What is a change worker?
Ryan:It has a lot to do with using neuroscience to help people permanently change their unconscious minds automatic, but unhelpful responses to life. Right? So you're looking at bad habits, phobias, procrastination, limiting beliefs, insomnia, depression, anxiety, you name it. The kinds of things that people often give up on thinking they are just not changeable. It's been super amazing doing that course, and what we learned was not only that is the brain malleable, but it can change in a very short space of time, no matter a person's age, and the brain is always changing whether you are consciously directing that change or not.
Ryan:That's the secret. How conscious are you about what your brain's learning and basically growing into. Right? Because what your brain believes, your reality follows. So it's been a big topic of mine, and I'm just super, super happy that I managed to do that course because I've looked at people around the world of the Joe Dispencers and the Tony Robbins', and these people went, like, wow.
Ryan:I really need to do this. Marissa Pierce and my teachers as well, Melissa Tiers and Simone Soule, who are just the rock stars in the world of hypnosis and life coaching as well. So I really have already had the pleasure of helping clients overcome obstacles in areas that have freed them up to live their lives more fully like Claudia in episode number 1 of this podcast who was crippled by fear ahead of a hip replacement operation. She practically went into hospital singing the song I'm so excited by the Pointer Sisters. It's incredible to have watched that transformation.
Ryan:That was after one session. Self directed neuroplasticity is quite magical. So you can check out episode number 1 if you haven't already, and you can meet the lovely Claudia and hear her talk about the one session that she had with me which created such a profound change in her, and she's now also referring people she knows to me who need help with their own mental challenges. And, actually, Claudia even went on to have a quicker recovery after her operation that even surprised her physiotherapist. And it's just amazing what is possible with the right mindset, because the body is literally creating chemicals and cellular conditions in a response to our own thoughts.
Ryan:So there's a lot happening. Right? And and that's, I think, very important context before I continue with my current situation and where I'm going now, with my life. Anyway, so let's go back to the 22nd May when I found out I was being evicted in Ibiza while I was singing on the cruise ship for a couple of months, which I covered in the last episode. So as I explained in that episode, I got a text telling me the bad news.
Ryan:Right? That I had to be singing on stage less than 10 minutes later. So I'm I'm triggered. I'm I'm traumatized. I'm stressed.
Ryan:I'm I'm anxious. I've just been told that I'm losing my home in Ibiza, but I am out on a ship at sea. Like what? It was not a good good time at all. So after diminishing my anxiety, which I explained how I did that in my last episode, and getting to a positive physical state while singing on stage in just a few minutes of singing, I started going deep into ideas of what I could do about the situation.
Ryan:Right? You can only control what you can control when it comes to life. If I did choose not to fight the eviction and let the apartment go, how would I get my stuff out of there within a week? All from my mobile and remote location at sea. Where would I get my stuff taken to?
Ryan:How much would it cost? How would the movers even know what is actually mine and what isn't? How would I feel not ever going back to what has been my cozy home in sunny Ibiza since 2021? The last time I left would now be the last time I would ever step foot in that building, or at least in that apartment. And so what would I have done differently if I had known that was my final goodbye?
Ryan:Maybe now I can finally travel to places like the US, which I've not been able to for a few years. No thanks to the pandemic and financial limitations. America is actually where my career opportunities really seem to blossom. So I do go there as often as I can, which isn't often, unfortunately. So if I could only live there long term, maybe I can finally go to Asia, where it's much cheaper to live, while I finally get my online projects working properly without the constant pressure of keeping the lights on and a roof over my head, which had me falling deeper into debt, mostly thanks to Brexit and the pandemic.
Ryan:So bear in mind, all these thoughts are spooling around in my mind at the same time that I am also successfully singing to a live audience. Singing songs like The Wall by Pink Floyd or Fly Away by Lenny Kravitz. Remember, I'm doing 5 hours of singing a day, so I've got a lot of repertoire. So all of these songs are coming from memory as I don't read lyrics or chords when I'm on stage. So I'm also playing the guitar at the same time as stomping on drums with my feet.
Ryan:Oh, how wonderfully powerful our human minds are. Now, I imagine that people may hear this and think there's some serious ADD going on here. Maybe there is, but I like to think our minds are super complex and super fast that most of us are just unaware of how many strings of thought fire across our brains at any given moment, which is why I love the work I do when it comes to the hypno coaching, is to be able to slow down and show people just how clever their mind is and what it's doing, and the loop it's stuck in, which is not helping them, and being able to change that loop within a session, usually. So anyway, I mentioned, in the last episode, how left, right hand, and foot coordination is a magical anxiety soother. I also mentioned how making decisions from a triggered or stressed state isn't usually going to produce great results.
Ryan:So from that calm state on stage, doing what I love, I was now using my brain power to think rationally about my eviction situation, almost like a meditation. And here is what that all led to. So, I decided to not fight the eviction and found a friend I could pay to help me move my stuff out of the last flat before the end of the month, which was only a few days away. So we set a time and made it happen. Though, the ship's Internet was struggling with video calls, so we had to settle for pictures, videos, and voice notes to figure out what was mine.
Ryan:Once that was done, it was a huge relief, and I even had to cancel my internet service and get the modem returned to the company to avoid being charged for it, and in the meantime, keep working the ship job with my daily 5 hour shows and also have my online coaching sessions with my clients in the evenings. It was a pretty intense time. It's worth noting though that once I made my decision and got to work carrying it out, things went quite smoothly. My neighbor in Ibiza was even impressed at what I pulled off, as she knows how hard it can be, and was being very supportive herself where she could. So I got off the ship at the beginning of July as planned.
Ryan:I loved living on a cruise ship for 2 months, but now what? First things first, I spent a few days in Oslo, in Norway, to rest and to get some well deserved sleep after my 215 hours of singing over those 8 weeks, as well as the running of my other businesses and doing my online coaching, all from the ship's small cabin. Definitely a good idea to take a bit of a a time out. Then I flew to Cyprus to visit my brother, who I hadn't seen in 7 years. A very long overdue reunion.
Ryan:He came to North Cyprus in 2016, 7 years ago to study architecture and is still trying to finish his undergrad with similar financial challenges as mine. The fact that I can finally afford to fly over and see him without the apartment in Ibiza holding me down means I can be here for a while during this summer break. So I flew here in mid July after spending a few days in Kent in England to visit friends on route to Cyprus from Norway as there were no direct flights, between the two islands. So what now? What is next after Cyprus?
Ryan:Truth is, I am not entirely sure where my next home will be. What I do know is that it needs to be somewhere that is affordable so that I have enough time and resources to build upon my creative entrepreneurship. As you can tell, I do quite a few different things, and I am at a very exciting phase where it's all coming together after years of building and designing my ideal lifestyle. Believe me, there is a method to the madness, which gives me, you know, the power I need really, or the resources I need to be a good life coach because I've got so much experience in so many different areas that I'm not making stuff up. I'm able to go, oh, yeah.
Ryan:Okay. Cool. This is what I would recommend, or this is what this is. I can recognize that. I've seen this before.
Ryan:I've done that before. I've studied that before. I've heard about this. There's so many ways that I can help people just with what I do and who I am and what I know, and it's what I've done naturally until I started actually getting paid for it, which I realized was a smart business move. So here I am.
Ryan:So Ibiza is an amazing place to live in, and I am also looking at a few other travel options. Places like Thailand, Bali, Indonesia, and places like Portugal or the Canary Islands, where it would be cheaper to live and to rent for a season also. Then I can catch up with everything. It's now mid August and I am planning to move on from Cyprus around the beginning of September. Friends keep asking me if I have decided where to go next and it reminds me of how natural it is for me to live this way in a very nomadic flow state of day by day, week by week.
Ryan:That is actually what allowed the magic to unfold and that is how I ended up touring my music to about 12 countries a year spanning 4 continents before moving to Ibiza in 2018. And that was all self managed and all solo, And a lot of it unfolded. I didn't start the year by going, I'm gonna be in 12 countries, and I'm gonna these are the countries, and that's what's gonna happen. I knew where to start, following the energy, and it just opened up and blossomed. Really, really amazing.
Ryan:So now you get to follow me as I create my travel plans and reveal my intricate process to you. I'm about 2 weeks away from moving out of the apartment I am in here, where I've rented out for me and my brother in North Cyprus. It's a nice spacious, and stable home base for me to work from, and I've been having client sessions for my life coaching and relationship coaching. I've been holding relationship play shops online this past week and have new clients coming in. This gives me a chance to create more income, so that when I do make my decision, I can do it from a more empowered place.
Ryan:So that has been my focus along with having a bit of a holiday and catching up with my brother. Everything takes energy, and that's where my energy has been going. Now I'm starting to look at my next destination, the where, the what, and the why. In the next episode, I will unpack how I go about it, and why this doesn't stress me out, as I'm sure a lot of people would be if they were in a similar situation. I sleep very well, and I feel excited, actually, about the next chapter in my lifelong quest to build and live my idea of a fulfilling dream life.
Ryan:I'm only getting started when it comes to revealing the nitty gritties of what that all looks like. So wishing you a super week, and, feel free to get in touch with any particular questions on these subjects by using the contact details in the show notes. And otherwise, thanks for tuning in, and see you in the next episode. Ciao for now.